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How to Handle ADHD with AppBlock: A Comprehensive Guide

Living with ADHD can be challenging for both children and adults. The constant struggle to stay focused, manage distractions, and maintain productivity can often feel overwhelming. Fortunately, technology has provided…

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Interactive widgets with AppBlock on iOS 17

Every so often, an update comes along that completely shifts our understanding of what an app can do. Today, we are elated to introduce you to AppBlock v3.0, an update…

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Parents’ Guide to Supporting Children’s Digital Health as They Head Back to School

The rise of technology has led to students being more plugged in than ever before. While this digital age brings numerous educational opportunities, it also presents challenges for young people…

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How AI Can Help You Increase Productivity and Improve Focus

In today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to increase productivity and improve focus is essential. With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool…

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5 Essential Apps for Students: Balancing Study and Leisure

In today’s fast-paced digital age, it’s imperative for students to have the right set of apps to ensure a harmonious blend of study and relaxation. The right tools can make…

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How TikTok Can Disrupt Our Focus on Studying and How AppBlock Can Help

In today’s digital age, distractions are just a click away. Social media platforms like TikTok have become incredibly popular, captivating users with their entertaining and bite-sized content. However, the allure…

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