My all-in-one pack is not working anymore

If you purchased the “All-in-One Pack” before we switched to a subscription model, you should still have access to premium features. However, some users have experienced issues where their premium product disappears from the app. This is unintentional, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Here’s how you can restore your access:

Steps to Restore Access:

1. Verify Your Google Play Account

  • Open Google Play Store → Profile picture → Payments & subscriptions → Subscriptions.
  • Ensure AppBlock is listed. If not, switch to the correct account and try restoring purchases.

2. Restore Purchases in AppBlock

  • Open AppBlock → Profile (More) → Troubleshooting → Restore Purchases.

3. Clear Google Play Store Cache

  • Go to Settings → Applications → Play Store → Storage & cache → Clear Storage.
  • Reopen Google Play Store and AppBlock, then restore purchases again.

4. Reinstall AppBlock

  • If the above steps don’t work, uninstall and reinstall AppBlock.

Still Having Issues?

If none of these steps resolve the problem, please contact our support team for assistance. We’re here to help!

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