Time Zone Changes Affecting Blocking

Traveling to a different time zone can occasionally disrupt AppBlock’s scheduling, causing unexpected behavior. In some cases, the app might mistakenly block apps for longer periods than intended—this issue can be particularly problematic in Strict Mode, where the blocking period may accidentally extend to more than 99 days.

We strongly advise against turning off or restarting your device while traveling across time zones, as this may cause unexpected behavior in the app.

Steps to Fix the Issue:

  1. Deactivate Strict Mode Using Emergency Unblocking:
    • Open AppBlock.
    • Navigate to Help section and use the Emergency Unblocking reason for contacting us.
    • Follow the prompts to disable Strict Mode. This will allow you to regain control over your settings.
  2. Reinstall AppBlock:
    • Once Strict Mode is deactivated, uninstall AppBlock from your device.
    • Reinstall the app from your app store (Google Play or AppGallery).
    • Set up your blocking schedule again. Ensure the new settings account for the time zone changes if needed.

Tips to Prevent Future Issues:

  • Before traveling, adjust the time zone in your device settings and verify your AppBlock schedules to ensure they align correctly.
  • If you’re frequently traveling, consider disabling Strict Mode temporarily during your trip to avoid extended locking periods.
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