AppBlock Blog Study Can’t Focus in Class? Try These 6 Steps to Get Back in the Game

We’ve all been there—sitting in class, staring at the teacher, but your brain is a million miles away. Whether it’s TikTok videos still running through your mind, the plan for your afternoon, or just a general fog, staying focused in class can sometimes feel impossible. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know how hard it can be. But here’s the thing: you can find your focus in class. And no, I’m not about to give you the same old “just study harder” advice. We’re going to talk about real, doable steps you can take to get back in the game. Ready? Let’s get into it.

Why You’re Struggling to Focus in Class

Let’s get one thing straight: it’s not your fault that you’re struggling to focus in class. There are distractions everywhere—your phone, your classmates, even your own brain throwing random thoughts at you like “What if cats could talk?” It’s not that you don’t care about school or that you aren’t trying hard enough, it’s just that focusing for long periods, especially on something that might not seem super engaging, is hard. Plus, the constant pull of notifications and social media doesn’t make it any easier.

But don’t worry, because there are ways to fix it. And no, it’s not about throwing your phone out the window (although I’ve been tempted). You just need the right tools and strategies to regain control.

Step 1: Tame the Tech—Block the Distractions

Let’s be real: our phones are our biggest focus killers. One second you’re checking the time, and the next you’re 20 minutes deep into Instagram Reels. So how do you focus in class when your phone is constantly buzzing or lighting up with notifications?

Enter AppBlock, a hero in disguise for anyone struggling to stay focused. With AppBlock, you can block those distracting apps while you’re in class, so your phone isn’t pulling you away from what matters. Here’s how:

  • Quick Block: This feature lets you block apps instantly. If you realize class has started and you’re still scrolling, you can activate Quick Block with one tap and regain focus in seconds.
  • Schedules: Set schedules to automatically block apps during your school hours. You can even use location-based settings so that when you’re on campus, distracting apps stay locked down without you having to think about it.

Imagine how much easier it’ll be to focus in class when you don’t have to fight the urge to check your phone every 5 minutes. Game changer, right?

Step 2: Create a Pre-Class Routine to Clear Your Head

One of the best ways to focus in class is to start with a clear head. If you’re walking into class still thinking about the last TikTok you watched or what your friend said in the group chat, you’re setting yourself up for a mental fog.

So, what do you do? Create a pre-class routine that helps you mentally switch gears. Here are a few ideas:

  • Meditation: You don’t need to sit in a lotus position and chant “om,” but a 5-minute meditation session can do wonders for calming your mind. Apps like Insight Timer, Calm or Headspace have quick sessions perfect for a between-class break.
  • Journaling: Jot down what’s on your mind, or make a to-do list. Sometimes just writing down all your random thoughts can help declutter your brain so you can focus in class.
  • Walk it out: If you’ve got a break between classes, take a quick walk. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, and moving your body helps reset your mind. Plus, it’s a great way to squeeze in some steps!

Find what works for you, but make it a habit to do something before class that signals to your brain: “Okay, time to get focused.”

Step 3: Break Big Tasks into Smaller Ones

Ever sit down in class, realize you have a massive project due, and immediately feel overwhelmed? Yeah, we’ve all been there. And when you’re overwhelmed, focusing becomes even harder.

The trick? Break big tasks into smaller ones. Instead of thinking, “I have to write a 10-page paper,” focus on one step at a time, like finding sources or writing just one page. Not only does this make the task feel more manageable, but it also helps you focus better in class because your brain isn’t stressed about the giant looming deadline.

When it comes to classwork, focus on one thing at a time. If the teacher’s explaining a complex topic, try breaking it down in your notes into smaller, bite-sized chunks. This way, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to stay present and focused.

Step 4: After-School Activities to Reset Your Brain

Here’s something people don’t always talk about: your brain needs breaks! After school, if you’re jumping straight into homework without giving your brain time to reset, no wonder it’s hard to focus in class the next day. You need activities that help clear your mind and recharge.

  • Exercise: It’s not just for fitness freaks. A quick workout, run, or even a dance session can release endorphins that help you feel more energized and focused.
  • Creative Hobbies: Drawing, painting, or playing an instrument can be a great way to get out of your own head for a while. Plus, it’s just fun.
  • Social Time: Hang out with friends or call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Social interactions can be a great way to de-stress.

The key is to find something that lets you mentally step away from school for a bit so that when you sit down to focus in class or on homework, your brain is fresh and ready to go.

Step 5: Own Your Workspace

Another trick to staying focused in class or when doing homework is owning your workspace. Whether you’re in a physical classroom or studying at home, where and how you work matters. Disorganization can easily lead to distraction.

  • Sit near the front: Yeah, it sounds nerdy, but trust me, when you’re at the front of the class, you’re way less likely to zone out. Plus, the teacher’s less likely to catch you daydreaming.
  • Declutter: Clear your desk of anything that isn’t directly related to what you’re doing. No need for last week’s snack wrappers or random doodles that pull you away from what’s important.
  • Create a Focus Playlist: If your teacher allows headphones during independent work time, put together a playlist of low-fi beats or instrumental music that helps you concentrate.

When you create an environment that’s optimized for focus, staying engaged becomes so much easier. Plus, you’re telling your brain: “This is a place for work, not distractions.”

Step 6: Fuel Your Brain—Stay Hydrated and Eat Smart

We often underestimate how much our diet and hydration levels affect our ability to focus in class. If you’re dehydrated or running on junk food, your brain will feel sluggish, making it even harder to pay attention. The good news is, small changes to your diet can make a big difference in your mental clarity.

  • Stay Hydrated: Keeping a water bottle with you and sipping regularly helps maintain energy levels and keeps your mind sharp. Even mild dehydration can mess with your focus, so make it a habit to drink water throughout the day.
  • Brain-Boosting Snacks: Instead of reaching for chips or candy, try snacks that support brain function. Nuts, seeds, berries, and dark chocolate are excellent choices for a quick energy boost without the sugar crash.
  • Balanced Meals: Before heading to class, opt for meals that fuel your brain. Complex carbs (like oats or whole-grain toast) paired with protein (like eggs or yogurt) will give you steady energy throughout the day, so you can focus in class without getting distracted by hunger.

By paying attention to what you eat and drink, you’ll notice it’s easier to stay sharp and concentrate during class. Plus, it’s an easy and practical solution you can start implementing right away.

Bottom Line: You’ve Got This!

Focusing in class doesn’t have to be an impossible task. Sure, there will always be distractions, but with the right tools and strategies, you can push past them and stay in the game. From using tools like AppBlock to blocking out distractions, to setting up the right after-school routines to clear your mind, every small step helps.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Everyone struggles to focus sometimes. The key is finding what works for you and sticking with it. Soon enough, you’ll be mastering the art of focus in class like a pro—and trust me, your future self will thank you for it.

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