How to create a Launch Count schedule?

Want to limit how many times you can open certain apps? Follow these steps to set up a Launch Count Schedule:

Steps to Create a Launch Count Schedule:

  1. Go to the Blocking tab.
  2. In the Schedules section, tap + Add to create a new schedule or select a template.
  3. Choose between Blocklist or Allowlist (for premium users) and add the apps/websites/keywords you want to block or allow.
  4. Select Launch Count as your blocking condition.
  5. Choose how you want AppBlock to track app launches:
    • Daily: Set a daily limit for app launches.
    • Hourly: Set an hourly limit for app launches.
  6. Save your changes, review all your settings, including the apps and websites selected, and give your schedule a name.
  7. Tap Create to finalize the schedule.

Note: Launch Count schedules activate automatically after creation. There’s no need to enable them manually.

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