To block adult content:
- Enable “Adult Content Blocking” feature. This feature is available in the Extra Options of Schedules or Quick Block.
- Turn it on in the Schedule or Quick Block where you want it applied.
- Remember, this feature works only while the selected Schedule or Quick Block is active.
- If you want it enabled across all Schedules, make sure to turn it on in each schedule individually.
First time setup:
When enabling this feature for the first time, wait for the database of blocked websites to load to 100%. Avoid leaving the AppBlock app during the loading process to ensure proper setup.
Once enabled, adult content websites will be inaccessible based on your active schedules or Quick Block settings.
Please note that this feature cannot block adult content on Google Images or any adult content apps. It operates by blocking URLs listed in our database. If you encounter an adult content website that isn’t being blocked while the porn-blocking feature is enabled, feel free to contact our support team and request that the website be added to our 18+ URL database.