Available settings are not working

If you’re unable to access the available settings in AppBlock, follow these steps:

  1. Update AppBlock: Ensure you have the latest version of AppBlock installed, as updates often resolve issues with settings.
  2. Check Strict Mode: If Strict Mode is activated, please deactivate it to be able to turn off and on the Available Settings. If you have set up PIN code or Charger unblocking, use one of these methods to disable Strict Mode on your own. If you need assistance deactivating Strict Mode and have not set up these methods, you can contact us via the contact form. Choose “Emergency unblocking” or in case of older versions of AppBlock “I need to unlock my device” for contacting us to receive a one-time unblocking code.
  3. Reset Available Settings Option: Once Strict Mode is deactivated, go to AppBlock > Profile (More) > Settings, and toggle the “Show Available Settings” option off and back on again. This usually resolves the issue.

If the problem persists or occurs again, please reach out to us for further assistance.

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