How to block apps based on Wi-Fi condition?

Do you want to block certain apps or websites whenever you connect to a specific Wi-Fi network? Follow these steps to set up a Wi-Fi-based blocking schedule. Once configured, your selected apps and websites will be automatically blocked as soon as your device connects to the specified network.

Steps to Create a Wi-Fi-Based Blocking Schedule:

  1. Make sure your location services are turned on.
  2. Open the app and navigate to the Blocking tab.
  3. In the Schedules section, tap + Add to create a new schedule. Alternatively, select a pre-made template if available.
  4. Select the apps, websites, or keywords you want to block and give your schedule a descriptive name.
  5. Choose Wi-Fi as your blocking condition and select the Wi-Fi networks where you want the block to be active. You can manually add networks or choose from the list of available ones.
  6. Review all your selections save it and tap Create to save the schedule.

You can also combine the Wifi Blocking with other blocking conditions.
Note: Schedules are activated automatically after creating them. You do not have to enable them manually after setting them up.

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