AppBlock Blog Well-being Why should you try digital detox?

Why should you try digital detox?

Reduce stress

According to the latest studies, the average person controls their phone every 11 minutes. Don’t rush. Take your time, be offline for a while and be present. Try to avoid social media and all the online life for one day a week. AppBlock will help you with it. Set up a profile and block all unnecessary apps for the whole day once a week.

Enjoy present moment

Can we still do it? Turn off all electronic devices and enjoy present moments. Focus on yourself, your breath, have nothing to do and nowhere to go. Clear your head, go for a walk without your phone, see the things you normally don’t see instead of staring into your display.

Sleep better

Using technologies such as scrolling social media or playing mobile games especially before bedtime can really affect the quality of your sleep. The results of studies shows that using social media before sleeping may increase the likelihood of insomnia, shorter sleep duration or anxiety. Instead of staring into a display of your phone, try to read a book before you go to sleep.

Focus on your work or studies

A lot of us are forced to work from home in the times of covid. And it may not be so easy, when you are constantly distracted by social media and other apps. Focusing on important things such as work or studies especially on home office is hard. In AppBlock you can create a profile to block social media or other distracting apps during work hours.

Have more time for family and friends

Save your time for more important things than scrolling your phone. And what’s more important than people around you? Rather than your phone, give your time and presence to them. Enjoy the evening together and put your phones away. You will feel more relaxed and pleased by spending quality time with your family and friends.

Digital detox even for a while has a really huge impact on our lives. AppBlock can help you with it. Try it and install now!

Gain back control over your screen, empower your life with AppBlock.

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