How to block Settings on iOS16 (and older) with AppBlock

If you want to block the access to your general settings, you can follow our step-by-step guide bellow.

Blocking Settings on devices with iOS16 and older:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on ‘Automation’, then ‘Create Personal Automation’.
  3. Select ‘App’, choose the application you wish to block (like Settings), and confirm.
  4. Tap on ‘Scripting’, then ‘Open App’.
  5. In the ‘Open App’ window, tap on ‘App’, and select ‘Shortcuts’.
  6. Turn off ‘Ask Before Running’, and confirm ‘Don’t Ask’ in the pop-up.
  7. Hit ‘Done’ to save your automation.
  8. Head over to the AppBlock app, add the Shortcuts app to your blocklist, and activate the blocking.
  9. Lastly, activate Strict Mode in AppBlock to ensure your blocking stays active.

Full article with video tutorial here.

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