AppBlock on Android

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Personal data

To delete AppBlock and all data, you can go to AppBlock > More > Sign in/Log in > Once you are logged in, scroll down and tap at “Delete account”. Once you do so, your AppBlock account and all data will be deleted.

In case you do not see this option, you have most likely not signed up in AppBlock and we do not have any of your data, therefore, the only thing you need to do is uninstall the app.

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How Does AppBlock Handle Your Data

Our blocking method is entirely local, operating solely on your device. This means that data related to blocking applications and internet usage remains on your device.

We assure you that your privacy is very important to us, and we do not sell any personal data to third parties.

For more details on what data is collected across different platforms, check out our privacy policy.

How We Use Your Data:

Statistics Data
All usage data and other statistics in AppBlock are 100% private. We do not share this data with anyone. The statistics data is deleted whenever you reinstall AppBlock. We can only restore the app’s statistics from the past two weeks by retrieving it from your device’s system. Website statistics, however, cannot be restored once deleted or if AppBlock is reinstalled, as they are stored only on your device.

Blocking Data
All your schedules, Quick Block setups, and other blocking settings are stored only on your device.

Login Data
If you log into the app to use the Academy, we can see the email address used for creating the account and track your Academy progress to keep it synchronized with our server. If you have a premium account, your login is also used for backups.

Analytics Data
We collect anonymous usage data to help improve the app. This data cannot be linked back to you in any way. Analytics may include information like the most frequently used conditions when creating schedules or how often Quick Block is activated.

We also collect crash and performance data, which is invaluable for fixing issues and enhancing the overall user experience.

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