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How to handle stress – stress management techniques

The WHO defines stress as “any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to any...

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How to prioritise at work

Are you in a situation where your work keeps piling up and you struggle with prioritising on what to do first? This might be overwhelming up...

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New Year, New Habits: How AppBlock Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

As the new year rolls around, many of us make resolutions to improve ourselves and our lives. Whether we want to get in shape, learn a new s...

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How to use Quick Block feature in our app to help you improve your sleep, have more free time or be really productive

Smartphone may just be the human's best friend and the worst enemy. Even if you are one of those people who uses it mainly to be more organi...

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How to focus during study

When you are dealing with attention issues in your classes or during studying there are plenty of techniques or tools you can use to help yo...

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New release 2.1.0 for iOS is here with deactivation methods and more

As it happens with us, we don't wait a minute and we prepare more news and features to make AppBlock better. Your feedback is important to u...

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